We've had users specifically asking us about PPTP Passthrough, and whether they should enable or disable it. Well, the answer is pretty simple. If you are 100% sure you want to use a PPTP VPN connection to access the web at fast speeds, and aren't worried about your online data and traffic potentially being in danger, you should enable PPTP

Enable VPN Passthrough on Virgin Media If your VPN or VPN router fails to connect and you are a Virgin Media internet customer the issue is more than likely to be that your SuperHub has PPTP and/or L2TP passthrough disabled. If that does not work well for you — for example, if your router hardware cannot deliver sufficient network speeds when using OpenVPN encryption — then you can follow the steps below to use PPTP instead. Go to the Asus router control panel on your browser. It should have the address by default (unless you changed it) The EdgeRouter PPTP VPN server provides access to the LAN (192.168.1./24) for authenticated PPTP clients. CLI: Access the Command Line Interface. You can do this using the CLI button in the Web UI or by using a program such as PuTTY. Being a VPN protocol, PPTP is a set of rules that's responsible for ensuring the VPN client-> VPN server communication process is handled properly.. Here's How PPTP Works. Basically, the PPTP client establishes a connection (also called a "tunnel") to the PPTP server through it transports all your online data and traffic, securing it with its encryption at the same time. Right-click the server name and choose Configure and Enable Routing and Remote Access. At the Welcome screen click Next. Choose Custom Configuration and click Next. Choose VPN access and click Next. Click Finish. Click Start service. You will see that the status of the Server changes to Active (green icon with the up arrow). Choose No to RADIUS

PPTP VPN Server is used to create a VPN connection for remote client. To use the VPN feature, you should enable PPTP VPN Server on your router, and configure the PPTP connection on the remote client. Please follow the steps below to set up a PPTP VPN connection. Step 1. Set up PPTP VPN Server on Your Router. 1.

PPTP stands for Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol, the standard protocol for implementing VPNs and VPN connections. Step 6 Access the port forwarding options from the administrative program and enable port forwarding for PPTP on port 1723. The exact process for enabling port forwarding varies from one manufacturer to the next. The firewall supports PPTP as described in RFC 2637. To allow users to access your network through PPTP, specify settings and click Apply. Then, click Add members and select users. To view users who are allowed access using PPTP, click Show members. Enable PPTP Enable PPTP PPTP VPN Server is used to create a VPN connection for remote client. To use the VPN feature, you should enable PPTP VPN Server on your router, and configure the PPTP connection on the remote client. Please follow the steps below to set up a PPTP VPN connection. Step 1. Set up PPTP VPN Server on Your Router. 1.

Notice that the PPTP local address is the same as the router's address on the local interface and the remote address is from the same range as the local network ( Next step is to enable the PPTP server and the PPTP client on the laptop. /interface pptp-server server set enabled=yes

Here's how you can enable support for PPTP VPN connections in iOS 10 after Apple discontinued support for it in the firmware. There are all kinds of reasons that you might want to use a VPN, and while they are not all privacy based, the recent goings on in the world of politics in the United States may be a good reason to look into setting up a good VPN, just in case.